Studio Luz Architecture and Urban Design


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Studio Luz’ Award Winning Restaurants & Bars

Through dynamic and detailed designs, Studio Luz is able to create immersive environments for restaurants and bars throughout the Greater Boston area....

Sharing Culture, Building Community, and Supporting Hospitality Businesses & Entrepreneurs In New Ways

Working with hospitality businesses and entrepreneurs is an excellent way to support the unique culture of an area....

How Studio Luz Creates, Iterates, and Uses Diagrams As Tools For Design and Communication

We explore how Studio Luz creates and iterates on diagrams that reflect a community’s lived experiences and communicate design information....

Promoting Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion As A Small Business

What does it mean to promote DEI as a small business today? We explore some of the lessons we’ve learned and the principles that we stand on....

How Higher-Density Housing And Transit-Oriented Development Can Benefit Communities

Housing density, zoning for housing, and transit-oriented development are hot topics of conversation for many communities....

Educating The Next Generation Of Architects + Designers

By fostering younger students’ interest and knowledge of the field, we’re planting the seed for the next generation of architects and designers, who hopefully will have the keys to improving our built environments....

Designing A Modern Addition And Restoring A Historical Facade For 69 Church Street

Once a 1920’s film warehouse, 69 Church Street is now the site of 6 mixed-use residential units, though its original charm remains....

6 Steps To Tapping Into The Power Of Community Networks

Studio Luz offers comprehensive community engagement services to build consensus at any point within a project's life cycle or development....

Designing A Modern ADU For A Historic Single-Family Residence

Studio Luz was asked to design an affordable ADU — an accessory dwelling unit — that could be used for additional rental income....

Recent Firm Recognition

Awards & Publications

Hospitality Design Magazine

‘Hospitality Design: The Restaurant Issue,’ Diva Lounge, VNU Business Publications USA, Inc, May/June 06, vol 28, no.4

CITY Magazine

‘CITY Magazine,’ Blue Print Special: Diva Lounge by Bill Weathersby May/June Issue 41, p.48 John McDonald, publisher, NY,NY, 2006

Architectural Record Magazine Cover Feature

‘Architectural Record,’ Design Vanguard Awards Issue, December, Author, David Sokol, Mc Graw-Hill Publications, New York, NY Cover Feature, 2006

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